Initiatives with vision

The ASSOCIATION OF DIRECT SELLING ENTITIES OF INDIA (ADSEI) is active in a range of initiatives and programs that support our vision of (P-6):

  1. Perception among the Entrepreneurs about the Legality and Genuineness of Direct selling business.
  2. Prepare and maintain the working standard of Direct selling entity members equalling to applicable laws of Direct selling Business and ethics of Direct selling Business.
  3. Planning with the Govt Authorities/Department/ Ministry to issue protective, smooth and friendly laws for the Direct selling industry in the interest of Nation, General Public, consumers, Direct sellers and Direct selling Entrepreneurs.
  4. Protection and support to Legal and Genuine Direct selling entities and Direct sellers.
  5. Progress of the Direct selling with this vision that the success of India is in the Growth of the Direct selling Entities.
  6. Prepare the healthy and safely regulatory environment among the Direct selling entities.
Initiatives taken by Association such as
Key initiatives:

  1. Working with/strengthening relationships with various stakeholders across the globe
  2. Conducting educational, consumer and educational programs at national, regional and global levels
  3. Socio-Economic Impact Studies
  4. reputation building study
  5. corporate social responsibility
  6. annual statement
  7. Media Outreach/Public Affairs/Communication Program
  8. Global Women's Economic Empowerment Initiative
  9. Consumer Education and Protection Initiative