Initiatives with vision
The ASSOCIATION OF DIRECT SELLING ENTITIES OF INDIA (ADSEI) is active in a range of initiatives and programs that support our vision of (P-6):
- Perception among the Entrepreneurs about the Legality and Genuineness of Direct selling business.
- Prepare and maintain the working standard of Direct selling entity members equalling to applicable laws of Direct selling Business and ethics of Direct selling Business.
- Planning with the Govt Authorities/Department/ Ministry to issue protective, smooth and friendly laws for the Direct selling industry in the interest of Nation, General Public, consumers, Direct sellers and Direct selling Entrepreneurs.
- Protection and support to Legal and Genuine Direct selling entities and Direct sellers.
- Progress of the Direct selling with this vision that the success of India is in the Growth of the Direct selling Entities.
- Prepare the healthy and safely regulatory environment among the Direct selling entities.
Initiatives taken by Association such as
Key initiatives:
- Working with/strengthening relationships with various stakeholders across the globe
- Conducting educational, consumer and educational programs at national, regional and global levels
- Socio-Economic Impact Studies
- reputation building study
- corporate social responsibility
- annual statement
- Media Outreach/Public Affairs/Communication Program
- Global Women's Economic Empowerment Initiative
- Consumer Education and Protection Initiative